Certainly the words reunification and Germany share a powerful history but on a much smaller scale but still significant to us is the return of Exiern’s original professional artist Studio Katsumi with another excellent contribution with even less in depth instructions or guidance than Marshall had. We’re still thrilled to have him back and delighted at our good fortune with lots more upcoming in future and much already in the production pipeline if not completed already.

Here he is, adjacent to two of our frequent guest contributors (Marshall Reeves from Yesterday Bound as recently as … well … yesterday in relative time for the start of Oktoberfest and Sean Harrington of the highly adept Spying With Lana once again on stamp duty) on the one side (as well as right here in the case of Sean) and Exiern’s newest current regular artist Antipus with the next new story page tomorrow as scheduled.

For those of you who haven’t seen it in advance on Patreon, I think you’re in for quite the surprise come Monday. In my opinion it’s a really good one that exemplifies what Exiern is all about.

We also ended up making a NSFW Oktoberfest image by accident. You might ask how that is possible but it’s completely true! (We don’t always run the tightest of ships unlike the aforementioned Sean or even Captain Ro).

Check it out on Patreon at the appropriate time and place. There might be an in-(non)-canon universe as to who might be responsible (look closely!).

Anyway, glad to see so many of the people who have worked on Exiern at some point coming together (or close enough!).

I also hope everyone’s having fun this Oktoberfest!

(One way or another if you’re a non-drinker like me.)