I’m not entirely certain how to present this (and no doubt many of you have already heard this rant), so bear with me.

For ten years, I sat on this manuscript of mine (with a couple limited releases for what amounted to family and friends). It wasn’t something I advertised, wasn’t something I particularly pushed. It got a handful of sniffs from various publishers, but for one reason or another (didn’t like their copyright policy… I didn’t want to “sex it up” or “clean up the language”, I didn’t want to alter the content, etc…) the deal never took off.

But at the same time, sitting on it was going nowhere… and it’s not right to keep things going nowhere.

Over the last month, I have been gathering information, getting quotes, and negotiating with a printer… and I think it’s as good of a time as any to actually make this a reality.

But for that, I’m going to need your help.

Over on kickstarter, I’ve started a project for a book titled The Broken Prophecy. This is effectively what amounts to a pre-order campaign; if enough support is there, the printing will go as scheduled. If not… then no one is out anything, and I go back to the drawing board.

I’m not particularly one to sell myself, so I have no idea if this is going to work out. But I can’t keep putting things off and hoping things will fall into place. Success or failure, it’s time to actually try.